It was June 6th, 1976, that the vision began with worship service on Sunday evenings at 33 Augusta Street, Irvington (in the Salvation Army Building). After the excitement of the Grand Opening, we settled down to do the work of the Lord. Once a month, Christian films were shown which drew many souls to Christ, the young as well as the old. Many young people made commitments to follow Jesus at every showing, with such great response that it became necessary to begin Sunday school, while the adult converts forced a mid-week Bible study.
The church's greatest involvement in its beginning was its interaction with youth. In addition to Sunday school many trips were taken to museums, Wall Street, amusement areas and more. All of this took place in an effort to introduce our youth to the many varieties of safe, wholesome, and enjoyable activities that they could participate in, while learning to "love God with all their heart, soul, and might”.
After a little more than one year of services, we outgrew Augusta Street and found it necessary to purchase the Christian Scientist Church at 43 Harrison Place. It took all of one service to outgrow the sanctuary. The church was full to capacity as the saints would gather to worship and fill every available spot including stairways, and during warm weather the porch for seating.
Crusades were held: Brooklyn, NY; Bronx, NY; East Orange, and other parts of New Jersey, as well continued revivals in the south and other parts of the country. In May, 1982, while moving again to another sanctuary, 801 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, the voice of the Lord spoke, "We've only just begun." So we continued ministry, now with 2 properties available to use. We expanded our services to the community with summer youth programs, which provided trips and activities for kids ages 4-13, and summer jobs for teens. The congregation continued to grow, and with much enthusiasm to work, many projects were launched. We began a seasonal fellowship dinners at the church for seniors and patients from nearby nursing homes and hospitals who were confined, which included short worship services, where the choir would sing, the children would do presentations, and the membership would feed them and show love. We participated in a feeding program for the homeless and hungry families from the community, and distributed food and clothing when there were needs. Again because of growth it became necessary to find a larger facility for worship, 815-17 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, NJ; where we presently continue to work and serve the community.
In an effort to meet the need of our community, different ministries, both past and present began to bud: (Proverbs 11:30): The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise."
Maranatha Christian Academy (Pre-school through 8th grade) - the vision to minister to young people and families in the community through Christian Education began when the school opened its doors in September of 1979, and operated until June, 1991. Over the years the school grew to a student enrollment of over 200 students. During this time many young people were touched and ministered to through the Word of God, as well as encouraged to be high achievers, and families have been won to Christ. The school was forced to close, however, we have not suffered defeat nor has the vision died, for we rejoice for each soul that has accepted Jesus Christ and those yet to come. We rejoice for each young life that was touched, enhanced, and encouraged to be all that they could be and not settle for second best. We have seen the results in many of the students who have completed college, and returned to show their appreciation and those that have become responsible adults, working and contributing to their several communities.
Maranatha Bible Institute - offering a Certificate Program in Bible training for men and women.
Pen Preacher - the sharing of the gospel through periodical mailings to those confined to their home and elsewhere.
Jesus Is Coming Bookstore
Reachers - a group with a mission to those confined to nursing homes, prisons, and youth correctional facilities, and street team and door-to-door workers; as well as our prayer table which offers those passing our church an opportunity to receive prayer and the sharing of the Love of God.
Job Development Program- helping people of the community find jobs, and providing transportation to those job sites.
Job Readiness Training/Literacy Program - offering computer and other job training, as well as preparation for GED and certificate programs.
Health Fairs - offering free health screening to the community through volunteer workers from the medical field.
Community Youth Activities-weekly summer youth parties.
Teen Spirit - program for teens from 12-19, which offers activities to build self-esteem, and a positive attitude toward their responsibility to the community to become productive, well balanced citizens.
Sister-hood - a young women's program for self-maintenance, educational support and preparedness, cultural enhancement, and community awareness.
After School Tutoring - offering assistance to students September through June with their schoolwork.
Summer Day Camp Program - for ages 5-13; offering games, activities, trips, as well as Bible training for 4-6 weeks of the summer.
Senior Citizen Activities & Assistance - offering transportation for shopping, errands, and doctor visits for senior day trips to places of interest.
DOVE (Daughters of Virtue and Excellence) - women's fellowship; which offers crafts, community involvement projects, seminars & workshops, recreational activities and mentoring for women.
GMOP (Godley Men of Power Sr. & Jr.) - a fellowship for adult and young men.
Real Men/Real Talk - an open forum for men to discuss issues that present challenges in their lives.
Community Food Distribution Program - a program developed to collaborate and distribute food to those in need in the community and congregation.
1st Time Home Buyers Seminars - offering information to those interested in becoming homeowners, and helping to assist in their financial preparation to quality for mortgages.
Connected 4 Purpose (C4P) - share God's love by creating an environment that surrounds youth with encouragement and understanding to then SEND them forth empowered and equipped as a Disciple of Christ.
Troop - Empowering our Young Adults to be Triumphant, Righteous, Optimistic, Outstanding, and Persuaded People of God.
Boys Mentoring Program-promote pride and confidence in young boys as they learn to love God more and serve Him.
The membership has made an increased commitment over the years toward consecrating their lives totally to the service of Christ, producing powerful results in the lives of the believers and in the service to the community. As the church continues to reach out to the lost souls, the discouraged and the forgotten, we pray that we can make a difference. Our primary purpose is to let the world know that Jesus Christ is the way. So, we continue to increase in number as the Lord increases our borders.
As the Deliverance Jesus Is Coming Association has continued to grow, other churches have blossomed, so in 1992 it became necessary to make the Association the umbrella of the organization, rename the local assembly the Deliverance Jesus Is Coming Church (headquarters). Under the umbrella there are new ministries that span the U.S. and abroad.
As a united body, we will continue the mission that we have been called to in reaching our brothers and sisters: to aid them, lift them, and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them.
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